Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baptist Seminary Offers Homemaking Major

Originally posted at Right Truth

Oh. My. Goodness! I'm wondering if they will offer degrees for 'previous experience' in the area?

It's not that men and women aren't equals, the professors and students at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary explain to the Los Angeles Times. God has just given them different responsibilities in life: Men make decisions; women make dinner.

Starting this fall, the women enrolled in the internationally known seminary - one of the largest institutions serving the largest denomination of Protestants in America - will have a chance to get an academic degree in their special, God-given role.

The academic program includes lectures on laundering stubborn stains and a lab on baking chocolate-chip cookies, as well as more philosophical courses such as "Biblical Model for the Home and Family," which teaches that God expects wives to graciously submit to their husbands' leadership. ( more at CBS)

What do you say?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Debbie for posting this article. Perhaps Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is responding to a real need? After seeing how well the rearing of at least two generations without most mothers in the home has gone – that’s spelled “Downhill” –it might be high time to reinvestigate the role of the homemaker in today’s society. I also believe that there should be plenty of room for a variety of ways to serve the Lord that takes into account an individual’s special talents and vocational needs regardless of gender.


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