The Left's Guilt is Weighing America Down
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
am absolutely convinced that had America had the government we have
today back in oh, say, the late seventeen hundreds and eighteen hundreds
we would never have grown into the world power we became and, in fact,
were - up until the Presidential Election in 2008.
Never in my
life on this earth, as an American, have I seen the people of America so
morose, so depressed, so completely whipped, as I see today. The
‘spirit” has almost gone out of the average American. In biblical
terms: our “countenance has fallen.” In other words, our self-esteem
has fallen through the floor - and then some.
The average
American has watched as his job has fled from him, his home has been
foreclosed upon, his car has been re-possessed, his president went
traveling around the world, early in his first term, apologizing for
doing all the things that made America great, making the average
American look and feel like a fool. Yes, Americans have a right to feel
let down.
If I were a young man and had fewer responsibilities,
I’d pack-up and move to Australia. I am hearing more and more young
American men uttering those words today than I have since the 1960’s,
when a number of middle aged Americans took their families and fled to
But, you see, this is what socialism does to a
people. This is what socialism does to a country. It guts it. It
eviscerates a country and that country’s people. It smothers their
There is little reason to feel any of that HOPE Obama
preached about during his first campaign for the presidency. Oh, we got
the “change” all right. Yep! Everything changed for the worst. But,
there simply is NO HOPE. Even if there was, the average American is
without the energy to grasp even the proverbial straw.
Just a
few short months ago America had limitless horizons. Today the American
horizon lies just in front of the toes of his shoes. Americans find
themselves beaten down by a relentless government grown so big it sucks
the air out of any project it touches. Once Obamacare goes into full
effect, the US government will have, indeed, touched everything in
The average American’s nerves are strained so they are
virtually vibrating as we are hit with a continuous parade of one crisis
after another, many man-made and formulated, in my opinion, in the
offices of the West Wing. For the first time in the history of the
United States, Americans speak of their government in hushed voices and
in guarded tones for fear that someone friendly to the Obama Regime may
overhear and report them to whomever one reports such things. There is
genuine fear of our government in America these days and, unfortunately,
those in power have found they like it when Americans fear them.
of us accustomed to speaking out with our honest opinions about our
government and what our government is doing have now found that we must
weigh our words even more carefully, especially when the words we speak
and scribble are not complimentary of the Obama Regime. Our speech, our
actions, our affiliations, are all carefully scrutinized by the Obama
Unused to this fearful atmosphere many Americans are
confused and disoriented and unable to combat the all out attack of
socialism on our democracy. The use of “thugocracy” to defeat democracy
in America is an altogether new experience for most Americans,
especially those of us who live outside the urban areas where the
practice of strong-arm politics has been known for a hundred years.
in the hinterlands the aforementioned “atmosphere of fear” will last
only so long. There WILL be a backlash. Fear will turn to anger.
Americans will demand the return of their birthright of freedom and
liberty, and they will not be denied.
Already Americans in the
so-called “fly-over” country are well ahead of their brothers and
sisters in metropolitan America in making the transition from fear to
anger. Unwilling to live under the yoke of slavery lain across their
shoulders by the politburo of Obama’s socialist Central Committee, they
will not quietly accept the desecration of their constitutional rights.
There are among us many who believe America may not survive. I
think she will. But – America will never, I repeat, America will NEVER
be the same as she was prior to the Obama Regime. The doubt, the guilt
liberals carry around like lead weights on their souls has now been
draped onto the shoulders of this country. It will drag us down. Much
as an athlete running the hundred-yard dash with weights tied to each
leg, America will find she cannot distance herself from the pack as she
has in her meteoric past. Now she is a part of the mediocrity of the
pack and there is no real future for a nation as an “also ran.”
was a leader. No longer. That distinction has been stripped from us by
the political left whose feelings of guilt for being superlative
strangles the desire to excel.
Limits on America’s potential are
imposed by those among us who preach “fairness” in all things. Fairness
may provide a warm feeling but it throttles the ability to excel in
those whom God has endowed with special abilities exceeding those of
their fellow Americans. America was a special place because she dared
to BE special.
Americans today are restrained by their
government and by their fellow Americans by laws, the purpose of which,
we are told, is to save the earth. Creativity and innovation, formerly
the hallmark of American society will be, in fact already are,
restraining the country from meeting standards of excellence that come
naturally to a free people. And therein lies the key.
In the
paragraph above I mentioned “a free people.” People must be free to
accomplish the truly marvelous things America has accomplished in her
brief history. By voluntarily giving up that freedom, that liberty, in
2008 America began her meteoric crash into the dustbin of history and
relegated herself to the bone yard of once great nations.
© J. D. Longstreet
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