Maryland needs leaders not
Maryland’s Governor and
Attorney General (AG) are running away from their respective offices to move
higher on the food chain. Governor Martin O’Malley has his eyes on the White
House as Attorney General Douglas Gansler looks towards the State House.
Governor O’Malley’s few accomplishments are drowned out by the enormous number
of unsolved problems he will leaves in his wake. Violence throughout the state
of Maryland, especially in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County, has only
received lip service from someone who incessantly brags of his nonexistent
achievements. Taking his lead from President Obama, Governor O’Malley will
waste several billion dollars or more on green projects to nowhere. Under his mindless
tutelage a rain tax now falls across Maryland, the only state in the union to
institute such idiocy. Taxes, tolls, assessments and other financial extortions
from the state have moved up exponentially to fund O’Malley’s massive
entitlement structure. Efficiency is not in the Governor’s vocabulary. His
inability to understand business dynamics caused Maryland to be named a
business unfriendly state by those in the know. In the event this is the record
O’Malley will run on, conservatives will have no fear of him succeeding.
Attorney General’s office
sits in prime real estate in the midst of Baltimore City, not in the less expensive
state towers on Preston Street. From this perch a panoramic view of Baltimore’s
nightly blood bath is evident. Since his installation as Attorney General,
Gansler has made no effort to stem the flow of violence surrounding his office
or elsewhere in the state. The daily body count attests to the fact that his
very liberal agenda, to retain office, excludes the possibility of taking on
the true challenges necessary to reduce the death toll. Gansler’s well
concocted bio displays his strong push for; nontraditional marriages, health
care solutions through the abomination called Obamacare, gun control for
victims not victimizers, diversity in state appointments without consideration
for merit, baseless green energy projects and numerous other left-wing assaults
driving businesses to more friendly environs. Baseless lawsuits against
physicians are one of his office’s specialties. Douglas Gansler has intimidated
a sufficient number of people to keep his name afloat in the media, not to
dissimilar from another cohort Eliot Spitzer, who followed the same path from
AG to the Governor’s office in New York. Power hungry people will go to many
lengths to stay in positions that give them control over others, Gansler is no
different. Recently, Gansler made several gaffes when he insisted his opponent
Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, an Afro-American, has only his race to offer
as a justification for seeking the governorship. This denigrating statement may move many out
of his camp for obvious reasons. According to Gansler’s bio Civil Rights are a
high priority for him, yet his speeches appear to reflect otherwise. Both Martin O’Malley and Douglas Gansler have
their priorities misplaced. Their motivations for seeking office have less to
do with improving living conditions in Maryland than staying in positions of
power at all costs. With these two men in charge Maryland has become more blue
pushing state coffers into the red. Neither one should be honored with higher
office, yet knowing Marylanders they like the status quo. Mark Davis, MD
President of Healthnets Review Service and Davis Book Reviews,,,,
Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on
Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. To comment please join us on LinkedIn in
the group, Government in Transition.
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