The surrender crowd and the liberal media can ignore it, spin it, talk it down and outright lie about it as well as Murtha telling lies on TV then getting busted with some actual FACTS, but make no bones about it... al-Qaeda in Iraq is being run out and the insurgents are being beaten down.
Hat Tip to Strata-Sphere for this one.
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2007 – Thirteen suspected al Qaeda operatives were captured during Iraq operations yesterday and today. Meanwhile, about 50 tribal leaders from the Muqdadiya Qada in Diyala province, Iraq, gathered at the governor's house yesterday to discuss security, services and the importance of unity with U.S. and Iraqi military leaders, officials reported.
The people of Iraq have had it with al-Qaeda killing innocent civilians and they are making no bones about it.
At the meeting, Diyala Gov. Ra'ad Hameed Al-Mula Jowad Al-Tamimi, together with Staff Maj. Gen. Abdul Kareem, commander of Iraqi Security Forces in Diyala; and Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of coalition forces in Diyala, stressed the influence tribal leaders have on their people.
"We came here to achieve something great, and this great thing is your tribal influence on your people," said Kareem.
"I have seen the greatness of the sheiks," said Sutherland, "I have seen the greatness they can bring. The courage of the tribes is based on the courage of the sheiks, many of whom are disgusted and disillusioned by the hatred al Qaeda brings."
Citing examples from the Koran and Iraq's history, Kareem emphasized that "everybody in Diyala is supposed to be united - to work as one hand fighting the enemy."
Toward that end, U.S. troops detained 13 suspected terrorists during July 14-15 operations that targeted al Qaeda in Iraq leaders and suppliers.
By the time the defeatists in Congress or the Senate get their heads out of their asses, Iraq will be well on their way to independence.
Also, elements of the Iraqi police detained the leader of an al Qaeda cell in Samarra that facilitates the manufacture of IEDs and explosively formed penetrators during an intelligence-driven operation July 13. The detainee, allegedly responsible for an attack on a convoy that killed a U.S. soldier, was detained without incident. He is reportedly in charge of a 50-member al Qaeda terror network and is directly involved with an EFP factory in Samarra.
A second suspect was also detained. Weapons, ammunition, a computer, identification cards, passports and 3 million dinars in Iraqi money were confiscated.
They are being rounded up, jailed, questioned and with the leads gotten from them, more are being captured.... yet the surrender monkeys in America keep crying that Iraq is lost, evidently they haven't gotten the new memos, so they keep repeating outdated news.
In a separate raid, soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery detained eight suspected insurgents in the Zafarniya district. The Fort Carson, Colo.-based troops also recovered circuit boards, wires, timers, soldering tools and 9 million Iraqi dinars.
Also, U.S. soldiers responded to an attack comprised of numerous IEDs that severely damaged a school in northern Baghdad July 13. Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division responded to the attack, shortly after 6 a.m. The explosions were heard and seen coming from the Al Malahma School, less than a mile west of Camp Taji. The school building was part of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiative to improve the educational infrastructure in the area. Al Qaeda extremists are believed to be responsible for damaging the school, officials said.
And, U.S. Special Forces and Iraqi security forces detained an alleged high-level al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist cell leader July 13 at Baghdad International Airport. The alleged cell leader surrendered without a struggle and is currently in U.S. custody for questioning. He reportedly has targeted coalition forces, distributed mortars and organized and ordered vehicle-borne IED attacks. He is believed to operate in Baghdad's Karh district as well as the Mahmudiyah and the Arab Jabour districts. No Iraqi or coalition troops were injured during the operations.
Read the whole thing, I have simply given you excerpts and the rest is fascinating.
Good for the Iraqi's. Good for the tribal leaders. Good for our troops and coalition members that have fought so valiantly and are finally seeing the fruits of their blood, sweat and tears.
Oh, lets not forget that the evidence of Iranian influence is being uncovered on a weekly basis now.
FORWARD OPERATING BASE HAMMER, Iraq — After several rockets hit FOB Hammer on July 11, the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team maneuvered to find the source of the attack.
Early on July 12, the 3rd HBCT’s unmanned aerial vehicle located 46 rocket launchers in the northern section of Besmaya Range Complex aimed at FOB Hammer. Thirty-four of the launchers were armed with Iranian 107mm rockets. The Besmaya Range Complex is adjacent to the Coalition Force base.
Soldiers of the 789th Explosive Ordnance Disposal team, currently attached to the 3rd HBCT, immediately responded to the site.
According to Capt. Justin Gerken, from Red Wing, Minn., commander of the 789th EOD team, 12 of the 46 rockets had already been used to attack FOB Hammer the day prior. EOD Soldiers were able to determine that the rockets originated from Iran after analyzing the unexploded ordnance.
The 789th EOD team was successful in neutralizing the remaining rockets.

You won't see the MSM reporting these little gems and you certainly won't see the far left liberal clowns acknowledging it either.
Because nothing irks them more than seeing good news from Iraq and all they do is WISH for America to fail. Despite them, we are not failing.
Sort of related, William Kristol has the guts to say what nobody else has over at Wapo.
Don Surber expands on Kristol's thoughts in a great manner.
The left are in a frenzy over it too and losing what little minds they have left...hahahaha
Cooler, thoughtful heads prevail though over at Wizbang.
Last but never least, go check out Sunday's reading list at Right Truth. (Debbie finds the BEST links)
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