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Permalink for this entry: http://faultlineusa.blogspot.com/2007/04/open-trackback-weekend-linkfest-haven.html
Trackback URL for this entry:
Tracked back by: NBC condemned for running video of VTech murderer from Tel-Chai Nation. Excerpt: NBC's decision to broadcast the video of Cho Seung-Hui's crazy mishmash has rightly met with condemnation
Caves, Mountains, Waterfalls, Parks and What Matte from Blue Star Chronicles. Excerpt: We watched the Tennessee version of surfer dudes hang gliding off the highest point in the area. It made the granddaughter and myself squeal and giggle. There was a gasp that came with the rush of excitement when the glider caught the wind as it plun...
Weekend Podcast: VA Tech Aftermath from Adam's Blog
Excerpt: Tonight, we talk about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech. Support, gun control, honor and what's at stake in Iraq, Bill Maher's deceit at the Creation Musuem, and discuss the need for revival with special guest caller Brian Bonner of the Uncooperati...
al Qaeda Regrouping from The Amboy Times. Excerpt: While the left pressures Bush to end the War on Terror, AQ is plotting future attacks. We can't keep the troops in Iraq forever. But this article lends credence to the idea that when we do withdraw, we can count
That Other Massacre from Stageleft: Life on the Left Side. Excerpt: Can you imagine what the public outcry would be if reports described Seung-Hui Cho’s killings at Virginia Tech as “serious misconduct“?
Technorati Tags: Open Trackback Alliance OTA Linkfest Haven Deluxe
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