Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Pinheaded “Art” of Retreat and Surrender

God Will Never Forgive Us If . . .

Sometimes a word, a phrase, or a line from a song or a movie can ring in your ears and refuse to let go. As luck would have it, I found myself awaking this morning to an old WWII film on Turner Classic Movies – “The White Cliffs of Dover”(1944).

The movie was based on a 1940 novel by Alice Duer Miller, The White Cliffs.

“The story is of an American girl who coming to London as a tourist, meets and marries a young upper-class Englishman in the period just before the First World War. The War begins and he goes to the front. He is killed just before the end of the War, leaving her with a young son. Her son is the heir to the family estate. Despite the pull of her own country and the impoverished condition of the estate, she decides to stay and live the traditional life of a member of the English upper class. The story concludes as The Second World War commences and she worries that her son, like his father, will be killed fighting for the country he loves.”

Actually, the movie concludes with a very poignant scene between the mother, Susan Ashwood (Irene Dunn) and her war-wounded and dying son John Ashwood II (Peter Lawford). As the dying John turns his head and quietly slips away, the mother (still gazing at a military parade outside the window and unaware that he has died) speaks to her son the last line in the movie.

“God will never forgive us if we break faith with our dead again.”

The above phrase is not a theological reflection, but the angst of a fictional mother who has lost husband and son to two World Wars. She sees that war will come again and again to those who fail to heed history’s lessons. It is not God who will never forgive us. It is we who will never forgive ourselves.

Unlike the propaganda films of an earlier era designed to build national unity, America chose instead to imbed reporters who often showed more sympathy for the terrorists than for our own soldiers. Instead of nation building works of fiction we served ourselves helping after helping of enemy generated fiction and disguised it at truth. Instead of holding some of our citizens accountable for acts of treason in time of war, we turned them into celebrities. Those of us who have remained silent are as guilty as the perpetrators.

The question today is, do we break faith with our dead soldiers by staying the course in Iraq, or by cutting and running? Or are there other options beyond the widely criticized Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report? I propose that there is only one viable option and that it to show the world that we do have a center – a moral core – National unity – and the will to win!

Those Who Will to Forget

Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat history.

We parents pay our hard-earned money to send our kids off to college hear this kind of pinheaded clap-trap.

“As long as that insecurity holds America in its grip, we will make our foreign policy based on fictional images and the emotions they evoke. We won't be able to think through our problems in a reasonable way and arrive at realistic constructive solutions. One way to ease the grip of insecurity is to recognize that Pearl Harbor was a unique one-time event, the product of unique historical circumstances that will never return. After 65 years, it's time to retire the image of Pearl Harbor and bid it a not-so-fond farewell.”

(Author Ira Chernis is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder.)

Here we have an example of yet another numb-skull professor pronouncing the obvious - that Pearl Harbor was a “unique one-time event” that will never return. Well duh??? Of course Pearl Harbor was unique, and so was 9/11, and so was the war in Viet Nam, and so is the war in Iraq. As a matter of fact, every instant of every day is filled with unique one-time events that will never return. However, events with elements of great similarity do occur again and again at different times, under different historical circumstances, and in different guises, but ALWAYS presenting universal lessons. If that were not the case there would be no point in telling any stories, or of ever recording or teaching history, or of keeping statistics, or of doing studies and making reports, or in fact, there would be no point in humanity itself!

Story-telling is the very essence of what it means to be human for only humans can pass on the benefits of what they have learned to another generation. Without the ability to tell its story, no culture can long survive. Those who would will a nation to forget Pearl Harbor or 9/11 have but one objective – the destruction of National Unity!

Well so much for December 7, 1941 – a day that will not live in infamy if we continue to will ourselves to forget!

Let’s Start by Learning the Historical Lessons of Appeasement.

Neville Chamberlain “is perhaps the most ill-regarded British Prime Minister of the 20th century, largely because of his policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany regarding the abandonment of Czechoslovakia to Hitler at Munich in 1938. Also in 1938 giving up the Irish Free State Navy Ports, in practical terms making it safe for German submarines to stay about 200 miles west of the Irish coast (and therefore out of range of the British Navy) where they could pick off the merchant marine at will. His unpopularity lead to his derogatory nickname "pinhead".”

The Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report – A Pinheaded “consensus for surrender and an outline for retreat”?

· Kills America’s bargaining power by setting an arbitrary pullout deadline of early 2008
· Recommends dialog with terrorist nations
· Emboldens the enemy by projecting an image of American weakness
· Will intensify the war

The Elephant Bar says: “The Iraq Study Group Report is the consensus of a bi-partisan elite, only one of whom has been outside the Green Zone. It satisfies the left's demand for acknowledgment of the quagmire, but it fails to deliver on hyped expectations and has been widely panned by the critics as little more than a consensus for surrender and an outline for retreat. It could also be called aid and comfort for the other side. Iran and Syria can hardly contain themselves such is their glee at having humbled the Great Satan. Israel thinks the report is an embarrassment for both major American parties. Nancy Pelosi also calls for consensus.”

Revisiting Sun Tzu’s The Art of War

Since there were no high ranking members of the military invited to participate in the Iraq Study Group, it’s a good bet that the group was not too familiar with this ancient military classic. If we were to look at the following seven military conditions, how would we rate America at war today? How would we rate the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report?

“Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking to determine the military conditions, let them be made the basis of a comparison, in this wise:--

(1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?
(2) Which of the two generals has most ability?
(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?
(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?
(5) Which army is stronger?
(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?
(7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?

By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat. . . .

Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.”

One final thought. . . Diversity without unity is nothing more than a smoldering ember before the inferno. Any nation without consensus and at war with itself, any nation that has lost belief in its moral superiority, and any nation that has lost trust in a God who will call its citizens to account, is a nation that cannot win any war, any time, any where!

This post linked to:
The Uncooperative Blogger, Woman Honor Thyself, USS Neverdock, Independent Conservative, Talk Wisdom, My Weekly Thoughts


  1. Good article. In our world of instant communication and gratification, where it seems like much of the information that the general public understands is gathered from nothing but sound bites, it is a sad but true fact that there is less and less appreciation for the lessons of history as time goes on. I would bet that not even 10% of the American populace knows who Neville Chamberlain is.

  2. Faultline,

    Thank you for such a thought provoking article!! My husband and I watched "The Green Berets" the other night (1968) with John Wayne and David Jannsen and the "media" questions to our men at the beginning of the show were eerily familiar to our present day media fiasco!!

    Of course, we all know what happened after our cut/run in Vietnam now called: The Socialist Republic of Vietnam (a communist nation)!!

    The communist called this war: Kháng chiến chống Mỹ (the Resistance War Against America). Hmmm....does THAT sound familiar?

    "President Kennedy fearing that another failure on the part of the U.S. to stop communist expansion would fatally damage U.S. credibility...stated in the "Presidential Program for Vietnam: "U.S. objectives and concept of operations [are] to prevent communist domination of South Vietnam; to create in that country a viable and increasingly democratic society, and to initiate, on an accelerated basis, a series of mutually supporting actions of a military, political, economic psychological, and covert character designed to achieve this objective."

    "In December 1974, the Democratic majority in Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, which cut off all military funding to the South Vietnamese government..."

    "The new president vetoed the Foreign Assistance Act, but his veto was overridden by Congress."

    "By 1975, the South Vietnamese Army stood alone against the well-organized, highly determined, and foreign-funded North Vietnamese. Within South Vietnam, there was increasing chaos. The withdrawal of the American military had compromised an economy that had thrived largely due to U.S. financial support and the presence of large numbers of U.S. troops."

    Communist General Van Tien Dung stated: "Never have we had military and political conditions so perfect or a strategic advantage so great as we have now."

    By the end of April, the weakened South Vietnamese military had collapsed on all fronts. On the 27th, 100,000 North Vietnamese troops encircled Saigon, which was defended by only about 30,000 ARVN troops".

    "US Ambassador Graham Martin pleaded with the U.S. government to send $700 million in emergency aid to South Vietnam in order to bolster the Saigon regime's ability to fight and mobilize fresh military units, but it was to no avail."

    "In the early morning hours of 30 April, the last U.S. Marines evacuated the embassy roof by helicopter as civilians poured over the embassy perimeter and swarmed onto its grounds. On that day, VPA troops overcame all resistance, quickly capturing the U.S. embassy, the South Vietnamese government army garrison, the police headquarters, radio station, presidential palace, and other vital facilities. The presidential palace was captured and the NLF flag waved victoriously over it."

    "Both of the Vietnams were united 2 July 1976 to form the new Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in honor of the former president of North Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of supporters of the South Vietnamese government were rounded up and sent to reeducation camps. The new regime considered these supporters to be American collaborators and traitors."

    Now, I'm not trying to rehash the Vietnam War by any means... BUT, we LEFT people who we promised to help once..and look what happened!

    What will NOW happen when we turn our back on ANOTHER PROMISE and the terrorists take over...???? And terrorists, I might add, that have NO PROBLEM coming over to the United States (disguised as poor, misunderstood imams, etc) in an attempt to cause havoc around our nation!!!

    Will we become known as "The United States...the ONCE super power..the nation of cut and run, the nation you cannot trust"? Our enemies will dance in the street and call us cowards...but what will our allies think...since we give our word and then back out time and time again?

    Some scene from "The Green Berets" in relation to our media and their thoughts:

    "Why is the United States waging this "ruthless" war?.....

    "..yes, I guess horrible things happen in war but that doesn't mean to say they need us or even want us.."

    great answer by the way: "...if this same thing happened here in the United States every mayor in every city would be murdered, ever teacher you've ever known would be tortured and killed, every professor you ever heard of, every governor, every senator and every member of the House of Representatives and their combined families all would be tortured and killed and a like number kidnapped. But in spite of this, there is always some little fellow out there willing to stand up and take the plate of those who have been decimated. They need us..and they want us"

    "'s strange how we've never read about this in the newspapers."

    Answer: "That's newspapers for you, you can fill volumns on what you don't read"

    " do you know we should be fighting for this present government. They have had no free elections, no constitution..6 months ago a committe was appointed to form a constitution, still no constitution...

    A history lesson answer was given:
    "..the 13 colonies, with proper and educated leadership, all with the same goal in mind...AFTER the Revolutionary War took from 1776 to 1787, 11 years of peaceful effort before they came up with a paper that all 13 colonies would sign....our present Constitution."

    "..a lot of people believe this is simply a war between the vietnamese people. It's their war, let them handle it..."!!

    " newspaper doesn't believe we should be in this war..."

    Is this deja vu?

  3. Wow! Powerful post FaultlineUSA!

    I'm currently doing a post about Committing to God all that we do. It's interesting to apply the idea of "leaning on the arms of God" to this current ideological struggle between traditional culture warriors and secular-progressives in this country. When we lean on God, we can either lean forwards or backwards. Facing the fact that this war is unlike any other we have previously faced means that we cannot just "lean backwards" and let it fester unchallenged. That is what S-P's would want to do. Withdraw from Iraq and hope the terrorists don't follow us back here. They fail to see the big picture which means that we need to lean forward and work pre-emptively against our enemies.

    The majority of our brave service men and women realize what is at stake in Iraq, in particular; as well as what is at stake in the general Global war on terrorism. They have the attitude of claiming a goal and standard...that whatever they do, they live it out with 100% of all they've got for the sake of serving God, our nation, and our people!

    It seems to me that in past wars, more civilian patriots in our nation agreed with such statements and mindset and thus we had more unity when it came to fighting and defeating the enemies against our nation.

    Today, we have, as you touched on in your post, those who desire appeasement rather than victory; "peace at any expense" rather than national unity for the safety and security of our people; horrible name-calling against people who work hard for us in our government rather than showing just the basic respect for their position(s) that they deserve; the anti-war crowd who don't care that what they say and do can demoralize, injure and even kill our soldiers who are in harms way during this war. How ironic it is that our military personnel risk their lives every day for such people who turn around and use their "free speech rights" in a way that gives aid, comfort, and emboldens our enemies! S-P's are of the superfluous mindset that all worldviews should be viewed as equal and we don't have the right to "judge" others for their actions.

    Could you imagine if we had to fight WWII with the current liberal left loonie cultural mindset that is present in the secular-progressive leftist worldview? What would it have been like if they were around back then, intent on spouting their negative propaganda rhetoric like they do today?

    Yet this is what we face now, during our WWIII fight with Islamo-fascism being incorrectly labeled "freedom fighters" by the likes of Cindy Sheehan and her ilk... Someone ought to show her and her groupies the Obsession: Radical Islam's War With the West documentary so she could see how utterly stupid her worldview is!

    Great post! Keep up the good work!

  4. Diversity without unity is nothing more than a smoldering ember before the inferno...absolutely on spot!..thanks!

  5. Our freedom was gained, protected and furthered by defending ourselves against tyranny. The evil doers of the world will always be there, but to ignore them is to accept their disregard for America, and to accept an inevitable defeat. The mainstream media during the Vietnam war made many claims that were simply untrue, but our troops were unaffected because the only time they heard about such treasonous words was when it was relayed to them through letters from home. Now, our troops have satellite feeds and the internet available to them. They know exactly what is being said, and what the mainstream media is doing in the sense of the lack of support for our troops is unacceptable. We must defend ourselves, we must support our troops, and we must thank God for having these wonderful young men and women out there defending our liberty. However, the war is being lost. Not in Iraq. It is being lost here in America. The media and the politically correct crowd is waging a war against the American Way that is allowing the enemy to use our liberty against us as a weapon. The Islamic Radicals are here, praying to Allah on the planes and in our gyms, requiring us to soften and bend to their wishes - preparing for the next strike. We must wake up, profile, protect, and support - or our freedom will be a thing of the past.

    Great post. Looking forward to continued visits.

  6. We will continue to lose the war of words and images as long as we do not call the enemy by its name. How did we get so ignorant? (I would use the word stupid, but stupid can't be fixed!)
    I also saw a WWII movie in which the officer told his soldiers, "Do not let anyone tell you fighting facisim is wrong?"

  7. Thank you all for you very, very insightful comments. Here’s a response to each of you:

    Anonymous #1 Sees instant communication and gratification, and information gathering by sound bites as a major problem. Yes! It makes me wonder how the average person can become informed about anything from the major media sources without the benefit of us bloggers! Oops I forgot – the major media get’s its info from us bloggers now too.

    Onecountryvoice: Thank you for your historical review of the Viet Nam era. There is no doubt that there are many similarities between Iraq and Viet Nam! It is very interesting to note that, as usual, it was the “Democratic majority in Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, which cut off all military funding to the South Vietnamese government..." If we turn our backs and walk away again, I believe that the US is finished as far as a country that can or will defend itself or go to the aid of other countries.

    Christinewjc: I look forward to reading your post about Committing to God and leaning on the arms of God. With regard to the S-Ps, I believe that we need to understand that many of them see the big picture but don’t care because they have another agenda. They hail from the deconstructive school of anarchistic knowledge. In other words, they believe that to fix this country they have to tear it apart completely and then rebuild a glorious socialistic nation from the remaining ashes. The rest of the S-P’s are newbie dupes.

    I still believe that the great majority of American citizens believe as we do, but have become cowed by the noise from the left. Additionally, we’ve become a nation, as Anonymous #1 said, that is far too used to instant gratification.

    You are right there is a great irony in the free-speech rights that our soldiers fight and die to defend that ends up hurting our efforts. I’ve always believed in universal truths and one UT that I’ve noticed is that if you go too far in any good direction, you usually end up in a very bad place.

    It’s interesting to look at the loonie left in pre WWII times. Not surprisingly they consisted of the university “intelligentcia,” artists types, and Hollywood. Fortunately, they didn’t have 60+ years to take control of the media and hone their devilish trade. Today, we have an uphill struggle!

    Womanhonorthyself: Thanks. I’m glad you liked my quote.

    Douglas V. Gibbs: I agree with your thoughts completely. The war is being lost here at home in the US because of the leftist controlled media. The enemy is using our liberty to wage war against us. Liberty without restraint is anarchy. I believe that each of us must act daily to call the media to account whenever we find biased reporting.

    Anonymous #2: Yes we must call the enemy by its name – by its many, many names. We must call out the leftists, the race-baiters, the fascists, etc.


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