Iran to Help Obama with Reelection?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
stories are making the rounds on the 'net. One says Obama and Israel
have made a deal for a surgical strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. SOURCE:
other says Obama has made a deal with Iran -- within the framework of
which -- Iran will announce it is suspending its endeavor to create a
nuclear bomb.
The story goes that Iran was visited by a US
delegation (led by a woman) recently, and a deal was struck with the
Iranians to the effect that if they would make such an announcement, the
US would not strike them -- and would continue to stand in Israel's
way, as well.
The story goes on to say the US delegation told
the Iranians -- flatly -- that a Romney Administration would take an
entirely different approach to Iran's building of a nuclear bomb. SOURCE:
Now, I have NO IDEA which story is true, or if either is true -- or false.
The point of this article is to demonstrate how the entire world is affected by a US presidential election.
Obama Administration has apparently been attempting to withdraw America
from global leadership. It was a deliberate attempt to create a
lowered profile amongst the nations of the world. The idea, as best we
can discern it, was that if America voluntarily removed itself from the
global picture, the other nations would not hate us as much -- and --
might even learn to love us.
Yeah. I know. The naivete of the
Obama administration is simply off the charts. But understand, this is
the basis for Obama's "lead from behind" policy.
It is simple-minded and it is infantile.
America cannot simply become invisible - nor should she.
is the naivete of the political left that calls for banning the bomb,
and most recently is embodied in Obama's move to reduce America's
nuclear arsenal.
It is the naivete that drives the motley crowds protesting Wall Street in the streets of our cities.
is the same naivete that withdraws security at a US Consulate in a
country brimming with terrorist who hate America. It resulted in
terrorists taking advantage of that naivete by murdering America's
ambassador to that country, and murdering three more Americans, and
destroying the consulate and a so-called safe house, as well.
is a naivete that fuels the belief that anything less than a show of
strength will make our enemies love us, or, at least, hate us less.
It is a naivete that cost American lives all over the world.
you, I have no idea if the Obama Administration is negotiating with
Iran to announce a temporary suspension of it's nuclear enrichment
program in exchange for America not striking Iran's nuclear
facilities,or not. BUT -- with the next debate to be centered on US
foreign policy, Obama desperately needs SOMETHING he can take to the debate table and point to as a foreign policy success.
is extremely telling that we would even entertain this report as
something to be considered. It just demonstrates, at least for me, how
we have come to expect such underhanded tactics from the Chicago pol
currently seated in the Oval Office at the White House.
practically any other President of the US, this scribe would have
brushed off this report as the figment of someone's overactive
imagination. But not with the Obama Administration in power!
four years we have been served a steady diet of conceit, duplicity,
concealment, misdirection, and just straight-up lying through their
teeth... and that's just to the American people!! Lord only knows what
kind of double-dealing Obama has been involved with internationally!
mentioned, just days ago, that, in our opinion, if Obama saw his chance
for reelection in danger, all bets were off. We specifically pointed
to a heightened threat to terrorists world wide from Obama directed
drone attacks -- just to run up Obama's score and make him look "tough"
in the eyes of the voters. I STILL think that suggestion is viable.
over seven decades of life in America, I have never seen a President so
desirous of a second term -- and so unqualified for it.
political left is still in denial after having seen the REAL Obama on
the last debate stage with Romney. That was not Obama on an "off
night." That was the real thing.
We all
saw a man out-thought and outspoken (extemporaneously) by Mr. Romney.
We all saw a man of average intellect as opposed to the towering
intellect of a genius we had all been assured Obama possessed.
Recently, another writer said we got to see, for ourselves, the emperor
had no clothes -- once he was standing beside a man who was, indeed,
The thing is, dear reader, the Obama Administration is a bunch of amateurs, unfortunately, who believe their own PR. The President, himself, has said that HE sometimes believes his own BS.
This is a dangerous bunch -- not just to America, but to the world -- and we need to be rid of them.
a little over three weeks, America will get a chance to bring some
stability back to America and to the world. I, for one, intend to be
there when the polls open to cast my vote. I'll be voting for "change" and stability, and good sense.
J. D.Longstreet
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