Saturday, April 21, 2012

Deciphering the "Green" Economy

Happy Earth Day.

Sunday, April 22, is Earth Day.  It is also the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, the father of Russia's socialist economic system.  Coincidence?  Judge for yourself after you consider what I am about to say.

Have you ever wondered why all this "green" terminology like "sustainable development" never makes any true sense?  I believe I have broken the "green" movement's code and deciphered what all the "green" and "sustainable development" gibberish really means--and it's all related to the establishment of world-wide socialism.  (How ironic that the code is broken on Earth Day.)  We The People are being assailed from all sides with this global socialism hogwash.  It is time we stop falling for all this "green" rot, stand up for ourselves, each other, and our nation, and put an end to it.
I will first present some background information on socialism, show how the "green" lingo translates to what its leaders are really trying to achieve, and then show you how the translation can be applied to a United Nations document on the Green Economy, entitled "Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective."  

1. Background information on a socialist economy. (from Wikipedia)
Socialist economy.  A socialist economy is based on some form of social ownership, which includes varieties of public ownership and independent cooperatives, over the means of production, wherein production is carried out to directly produce use-value, usually, but not always, coordinated through economic planning and a system of accounting based on calculation-in-kind or a direct measure of labor-time....  A socialist economy is a system of production where goods and services are produced directly for use, in contrast to a capitalist economic system, where goods and services are produced to generate profit (and therefore indirectly for use). Goods and services would be produced for their usefulness, or for their use-value, eliminating the need for market-induced needs to ensure a sufficient amount of demand for products to be sold at a profit. Production in a socialist economy is therefore "planned" or "coordinated", and does not suffer from the business cycle inherent to capitalism. In most socialist theories, economic planning only applies to the factors of production and not to the allocation of goods and services produced for consumption, which would be distributed through a market. Karl Marx stated that "lower-stage communism" would consist of compensation based on the amount of labor one contributes to the social product.  (Summary: a small group of "smart" people are going to tell you what is good for you, what is not good for you, what you need to have, and what you don't need to have.)
Full employment [in a socialist economy]Every worker was ensured employment. However workers were generally not directed to jobs. The central planning administration adjusted relative wages rates to influence job choice in accordance with the outlines of the current plan.
2. Deciphering the "green" lingo. Based on the attributes of socialism and the way the "green" movement uses their terminology, I have assigned the following translations to the commonly used "green" lingo.  Try these transformations with other sustainable development documents and see if they continue to make sense.
climate change = the (negative) impact of free-market capitalism 
resource intensive or unsustainable growth models = capitalism
green economy = centrally planned global economy
sustainable development = global socialism/socialist
sustainable = centrally managed 
development = socialist/socialism
climate smart = centrally managed
green = centrally approved/managed/planned/controlled/sanctioned/directed

3. Translating the code to what they really mean in a UN document.  "Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective" (31 October 2011)

Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Centrally Planned Global Economy Green Economy A United Nations System-wide Perspective
31 October 2011

Executive Summary

1. Introduction
In September 2009 the United Nations (UN) Environment Management Group agreed to establish an Issue Management Group on a Centrally Planned Global Economy Green Economy. This group was tasked to prepare a report to assess how the UN system could coherently support countries in transitioning to a centrally planned global economy green economy. The report is expected to facilitate a common understanding of the centrally planned global economy green economy approach and the measures required for the transition. The report is envisioned to also contribute to the preparatory process for the 2012 UN Conference on Global Socialism Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20) where “the centrally planned global economy green economy in the context of global socialism sustainable development and poverty eradication” is one of the two themes along with “the institutional framework for global socialism sustainable development”.
centrally planned global economy green economy is an approach to achieving global socialism sustainable development. It requires breaking away from free-market capitalism resource intensive growth models, a transformation of consumption and production into more socialist sustainable patterns, and increased value added created and reinvested in resource-rich supplier communities in the developing world. The context for this approach is the increasing resource intensity of consumption in the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea and Europe developed countries even though their production is becoming less resource intensive, which implies the shifting of environmental impact to other countries through international trade. At the same time, the resource intensity of both consumption and production in developing countries may increase in absolute terms in their industrialisation process. These trends tend to exacerbate resource constraints and breaking the planetary boundaries.

A broader context is the projected population growth, which further raises the stakes in poverty reduction efforts. These efforts depend on higher consumption and production. Without appropriate policies in place, population growth will further significantly increase pressures on all natural resources. The likely growth of the world population from 7 billion today to over 9 billion by mid-century requires a considerable increase in economic output to ensure food security, reduce poverty, raise living standards, and create full, productive, and remunerative employment for the populations. Demographic change together with urbanisation not only heightens the need for a swift transition to a centrally planned global economy green economy, but also calls for policies to address population dynamics within a human-rights based framework. These policies, most notably, include universal access to reproductive health care and family planning as well as the empowerment of women and appropriate investments in education, especially for girls and women who are too often left behind.
In these contexts, a centrally planned global economy green economy requires the inclusion of the marginalised in all development processes. It also requires the reduction of gaps between developing and developed countries and regions in labour productivity and in the capacity to generate and have access to technology and scientific knowledge. It requires bolstering the capacity of developing countries to develop, review, and implement science, technology, and innovation policies that are oriented towards centrally provided green solutions to the climate, food, and energy crises. This includes strengthening science education, enhancing research and development (R&D) capacities, and fostering innovation through South-South Cooperation, North-South Cooperation, and public-private partnerships. For commodity-dependent countries, it is particularly important that they have access to centrally planned global new green opportunities to diversify their economies.
Specifically, in a transition to a centrally planned global economy green economy, public policies will need to be used strategically to reorient consumption, investments, and other economic activities - in line with domestic development agendas and contexts - towards:
  • Reducing carbon emissions and pollution, enhancing energy and resource efficiency, and preventing the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, including the development of efficient, clean, and low environmental impact technologies, buildings, and transport infrastructure, investments in renewable energy, application of the life cycle approach, promotion of environmental goods and services, centrally managed sustainable sourcing of materials, and the maintenance and restoration of natural capital consisting of land, soil, forest, freshwater, the oceans, marine resources, wild fauna and flora, and other biodiversity components; and 
  • Improving access to energy, food, freshwater, biological resources, sanitation services, public health and health care, new jobs, labour protection, social protection systems, information and communication technologies (ICTs), and training and education including education for global socialism sustainable development and the promotion of centrally managed sustainable consumption. 
Priorities should be given to developing public policies that meet social, environmental, and economic objectives, that focus on centrally managed sustainable livelihood approaches, that increase access to services for the marginalised, and that bring about the required structural change associated with a centrally planned global economy green economy transformation. But a centrally planned global economy green economy is not a one-size-fits-all path towards global socialism sustainable development. From its dynamic policy toolbox, decision makers - local or national - can draw ideas coherent with their specific global socialist sustainable development agendas and contexts. 
Proper incentives provided through economic instruments, regulations, sound framework conditions for innovation and technology diffusion, distributional policies, and voluntary initiatives can help channel investments - public and private - towards targeted sectors and enhance the effectiveness and fairness of such investments. They can also affect incentives and public awareness, thereby contribute to behavioural changes in production, consumption, and lifestyles. The mix of public policies for a centrally planned global economy green economy will differ across countries based on their specific socioeconomic conditions, institutional settings, resource endowments, and environmental pressure points. All countries, however, stand to gain from pursuing a centrally planned global economic green economic transformation, achieving direct economic gains through enhanced resource productivity and new sources of growth and jobs from innovation and the emergence of centrally planned global green markets and activities. In certain economies, a major development benefit of moving towards a centrally planned global economy green economy is manifested in greater human health and well-being as a result of lower pollution. 

If you are interested in seeing the rest of the document deciphered, go to "Deciphering the Green Economy."
Happy Earth Day.  It's not as innocuous as you think.

Disclaimer: These opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect the opinions or official positions of any United States Government agency, organization or department.

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