Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Misspelling in Dallas ISD

Is the following typical of the Dallas Independent School System???

From MyFOXdfw.com


Motivational Misspelling in Dallas ISD

Published : Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011, 7:22 AM CDT

    By Alice Wolke | MYFOXDFW.COM

    DALLAS - Schools across Texas are getting ready for the TAKS test. Too bad this sign at a Dallas elementary school missed the mark.

    A FOX 4 viewer driving past Larry Smith Elementary School on the Dallas-Mesquite border noticed the sign and its faux pas on Monday.

    In case you're not sure, that should be "accept" instead of "eccept."

    No word if it has been corrected.


    1. A fine example of what a liberal education results are.

    2. Isn't Texas conservative... especially Mequite, Texas?

      Just sayin...

    3. If you want conservative Texas you really have to look hard.


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