Saturday, August 08, 2009

America Versus the Nazis

Since grandmothers, WW II veterans and average Americans like you and me are now being branded Nazis for expressing our opposition to the monstrousity Obamacare, Obama has rallied his army of REAL Nazi thugs to protest our protest. Chief among the "spontaneous" counterprotesting groups is "Healthcare for America Now" (HCAN). Why does that acronym sound so much like ACORN? Well because it IS ACORN, and a million other highly organized radical leftist organizations just like it. Ben Johnson at FrontPage Magazine has laid it all out in the following article: Soros Care.

If you care at all about this issue, or for that matter the future of this country, it would behoove you to know just how the thugs operate when Americans stand up for themselves. This is a REAL fight, right now. And it is about power, theirs versus America's. Make sure you understand that! They are coming out of hiding, which means they think they will win. We can't allow them to. If the thugs win on this, they can win on anything. And they will.


  1. Finally some are getting it that Soros is behind all this. I have been preaching about that man for many moons and have watched as more and more have begun to take note. Ben Johnson is one of the few major bloggers who made the connection early on. More need to catch up rip the curtain down so that people can see that it is Soros controlling his Sock puppet in the WH.

  2. their is no doubt America is winner...

  3. Proof that voting is important, next election Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents must go to the polls and send Washington a message. Yes we can, repeal Nancy Pelosi.

  4. Hello People, I was on a holiday for a month just passing by read this interesting post its great to see that every thing here is getting more lively...thanks a lot for these keep them coming....


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