Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Palin Cleared by New Troopergate Report

According to Lisa Demer, of the Anchorage Daily News, Gov. Sarah Palin has been cleared by the state Personnel Board-sanctioned investigation. The report contradicts the earlier state Legislature special counsel’s report.

Although both investigations found that Palin was within her rights to fire Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, the new report states that the investigation by the Legislature’s special counsel was wrong to conclude that Palin abused her power.

Independent counsel for the Personnel Board, Timothy Petumenos, found that the Legislature’s special counsel “used the wrong state law as the basis for his conclusions and also misconstrued the evidence.”

His findings are that there is no cause to believe that Palin violated state ethics law by firing Monegan, and there was no violation of state ethics law in connection with Palin’s ex-brother-in-law, Trooper Mike Wooten. There is no cause to believe that any other state official violated state ethics, and no basis to conduct a hearing to “address reputational harm,” that Monegan requested.

Here are Petumenos’ recommendations:

The state needs to address the issue of using private e-mails for government work and to examine how records are kept in the governor's office. Palin used her Yahoo e-mail account for state business until it was hacked.


  1. The woman is hiring her own investigators, for God's sake. Of course, they are going to clear her of charges.She can fire them at will! Another Republican joke!!??

  2. And where is the MSM reporting this? No where.

    Debbie Hamilton
    Right Truth


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