Monday, March 05, 2007

Guard the Borders Blogburst 3/5/07

And Welcome to Open Trackback Monday

Illegal aliens are killing more Americans than the Iraq war, says a new report from Family Security Matters that estimates some 2,158 murders are committed every year by illegal aliens in the U.S. The group says that number is more than 15 percent of all the murders reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the U.S. and about three times the representation of illegal aliens in the general population. . .” (Read more at Right Truth)

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders syndicate. It was started by Euphoric Reality to educate the public about the vulnerabilities of our open borders during an age of global terrorism and the resultant threat to our national security and sovereignty. If you are concerned about the lapses in our national security and the socio-economic burden of unchecked illegal immigration, join our blog syndicate. Send an email with your blog name and url to admin at guardtheborders dot com.

Welcome to Open Trackback Monday and Linkfest Haven. I’ll will manually add your trackbacks, with excerpts if available, to this page as they come in. Be patient: some trackbacks mysteriously travel the entire blogosphere before they arrive.Not familiar with trackbacks?

Here's how to do it:

1) Choose the article you want to promote. Copy my permalink URL and my trackback URL (you'll find mine just below these instructions). Add my blog name: Faultline USA linked with my permalink, into the body of your post (just after your completed article). Show it like this:

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2) If you use blogging software that doesn’t have “trackback” ability built in, you can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger or Kalsey’s Simpletracks.

3) If you don't have trackbacks yet, just leave a comment and say that you do not have trackbacks, with an excerpt from your post and your permalink, and I will add that too!

4) If you would like to join the Open Trackback Alliance visit The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns for more information. Linkfest Haven Deluxe hosts link fests daily. You can host your own Linkfest or just participate in the "fests" of other. Go to Linkfest Haven Deluxe for more information.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Perri Nelson's Website, Mark My Words, stikNstein... has no mercy, DragonLady's World, Pirate's Cove, Overtaken by Events, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Thoughts, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Tracked Back by:

Morning LinkageExcerpt: So, Obama schedules a speech at a baptist church in Selma and Hillary, not to be outdone, has her minions find a pulpit from which she can suitably pander. Never one to be too concerned with historical accuracy, Hil zealously...Weblog: Overtaken by Events

The Knucklehead of the Day awardExcerpt: Today's winner is Transvaal Deputy Judge President Phineas Mojapelo.Weblog: The Florida Masochist

China Increases Military SpendingExcerpt: When China was granted Most Favored Nation status, the thinking was that once the communist stronghold opened up to the free market, democracy would soon follow. It's been ten years since China became our friends in commerce and they've done Weblog: The Amboy Times

Global Warming Scam, Sham, Wham-BamExcerpt: It seems the "debate is over" lie that the mainstream media and Communist agit-prop Gore-o-philiacs have been pushing is due to have the brakes put on it! A French scientist has switched sides on the Global Warming scam--and I don't want to hear a...Weblog: Dumb Ox Daily News


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