Sunday, January 21, 2007

What happened to Ivory soap?

Why do some Americans need a famous name or face stuck on their soap, perfume, clothing labels or shoes? Whatever happened to using brand names like Ivory soap? We infidels are such heathens. Take THAT terrorists!

KISS rocker Gene Simmons is peddling an "elegant" new perfume. Guitar god Carlos Santana has a new line of sexy women's shoes. And "Two and Half Men" star Charlie Sheen is shaking up the kiddie couture market. Kiss

Why are these already successful stars branching out into what appears to be foreign and very unlikely territory?

You guessed right: It's all about the Benjamins.

“It doesn’t have to make sense,” Simmons told “What does KISS have to do with shampoo or coffee? Nothing. The reason to get involved in anything is commerce.”

There are other odd pairings. Donald Trump, a known teetotaler, just launched Trump Super Premium Vodka. Rocker Jon Bon Jovi is the co-founder of the Rock Star Baby line of baby gear. And actor Jackie Chan recently launched an organic skin care line. (source)

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