Sunday, December 03, 2006

World War III Began With the Culture Wars

(But then, of course, no such thing exists . . . or does it?)

If you don’t read anything else today, please read Dr. Michael D. Evans, blog post
The First War of the Twenty-first Century.”

Best quote about Leftists: “Peddlers of Weapons of Mass Deception”

Read about “A new movement against "Islamofascism"

“I am all for new anti-jihad movements. The more the better. There is certainly a great deal of work to be done, and no one can say he is doing it all or can do it all himself. And now here is, possibly, a new attempt to put together a movement: "A new movement against radical Islam?: Modeled after anti-Communist efforts, activists plot strategy," from, with thanks to DC Watson:”

Read about it at the Discerning Texan. (Anti-Islamo-fascism Freedom Fighters)

Visit to Moonbattery to see what dreadful things the Pelosilanders are doing.

Learn about all the Leftist Socialists, Marxists, Communists etc. in Congress and Hollywood at New Zeal (the New Zealanders are watching us!)

Today’s feature is Dennis Kucinich. “My second "Socialists in Congress or Senate" profile deals with Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the new chair of the US Congress' Government Reform Subcommittee.”

Read “New York Town Declares Santa a Religious Figure” at One Country Voice.

Note to all you Loose Bolts: Go have some green tea (be sure it's really Green), get Zenned out, and don't worry your little heads about this.


  1. Faultine,

    Thank you for such an informative, and scarey post along with the links you provided!!

    America is in the fight for her very existance and people need to wake the hell up!!

    People keep talking about a "civil war" in Iraq...the people who want America to stay America and protect its sovereignty are about to show the "left libs" what a "civil war" is all about!!

    We are tired of the political correctness, we are tired of the illegals, we are tired of the minority that hates America interferring with OUR rights and freedoms because it "offends" them! If they are that offended by our country and its values...GET THE HELL OUT!!!

  2. Faultline, have you received your email re: the 910 group forum? IF not, please contact me at shoulung6294 [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll give you a hand.

    Welcome and great posts.



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