Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Blogger’s Halo Award 2006

There are a number of Halo awards on the internet, but I’m suggesting something quite unique here. The “Blogger’s Halo Award” would go to the blogger who has not only created a vital up-to-the minute blog with a sizable readership and dedication to excellence, but this blogger would have gone way beyond the call of duty by demonstrating a selfless commitment to help other bloggers solve their blogging problems.

My nomination for this newly created “Blogger’s Halo Award” goes to Wake Up America.

When I began to express my frustration to other Beta Bloggers about not having trackback capability, Wake Up America’s Spreeezie came to my aid. There was a flurry of e-mails as Spree patiently answered my endless questions and held my hand. Spree sent me HTML codes and gave me explicit directions. But beyond that, Spree actually got my trackbacks going! I owe it all to Spree!

Now we bloggers are a somewhat egotistical lot – thinking that the world needs to hear what we have to say. But, when you discover a blogger out there who is willing to go the extra mile for someone they’ve never met . . . to take time out of their busy day . . to actually do it for you without even wanting to take credit for it – that’s a Blogging Saint.

So Saint Spreeezie, you are the first nominee for the “Blogger’s Halo Award 2006!”

Let’s hear it for Wake Up America! And if there are other Blogging Saints you would like to recognize, leave a comment or trackback here.

Tracked Backed to:
Wake Up America
Dumb Ox News
Rhymes With Right
Freedom Folks


  1. A great idea and I think Wake Up America is a great choice.

    There are many bloggers who have been around for some time that might be eligible for a similar award. Two that come to mind are Butch at 123Beta and Chad at In the Bullpen. Of course they have been around for some time, but always available to help a blogger in need.

    I will mention this award in my next post.

  2. That is SOOOOO sweet and I was simply helping out a fellow blogger as many people helped me when I started.

    Thank you SO much.

    I cannot believe how much your post touched me.

    You are a sweetheart.

  3. You are very welcome Spree. Couldn't have done it without you!


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