Friday, April 20, 2018


                                Maryland Saturated with Crime Drugs and Corruption

Geographically Maryland’s beauty has few competitors. Behind this topographical treasure lies a reckless government which has driven this state into the desperate times it finds itself. Opioid use has risen exponentially in the last decade. Prescribed like candy by various physician controlled entities few states have more deaths from this class of drugs than Maryland. Grim statistics cannot be hidden by the pleasant smiles of corrupt politicians. Several thousand went to their graves last year as our state representatives carried on business as usual. As legislative efforts failed in Annapolis to rein in this crisis emergency rooms could not find enough body bags to manage the overflow. With the approval of Marijuana this gateway drug will bring health facilities to their knees.

Legalizing Marijuana based on quasi research displaying this substance has medicinal value displays how moronic the political class is in this corrupt state. Worse outlets to sell this chemical garbage were given over to a group of well- connected political elitists.  This entitled class was provided with dispensing licenses utilizing the excuse they will bring to market a purer product than those who have not coughed up donations to their campaigns. As I have advised physicians on the radio and in my articles Maryland Marijuana laws are a minefield for physicians. Liability will be placed on the heads of physicians once accidents, deaths and criminality related to this drug occur. As of this writing most Maryland physicians are hesitant to prescribe this Class One drug.

Maryland’s newest problem is a synthetic version of Marijuana which has been introduced into the state. Laced with poison, that causes a person to bleed profusely, numerous hospitalizations have been reported around state. As usual the most vulnerable are affected. Adding to this problem is the vast number of people dying from alcohol, drugs exclusive of opioids and chemicals favored by the addicted class, as reflected in the daily emergency room census of each acute care facility. Kudos to acute care health personnel who have done a magnificent job in the face of great odds inflicted on them by wayward politicians, a medical board that does not properly oversee its physician hoard and a pharmaceutical industry that pumps this crap into the state.

In a circuitous way many profit by the massive drug and alcohol problem left uncontrolled by a government that supports this catastrophe. A vast social-welfare system would be undercut if these addicting chemicals were to leave the scene. No doubt there are pockets full of money that do not want Maryland cured of these ills. Therefore politicians discuss the drug problem openly yet few move to correct it. Corruption is solidly embedded in Annapolis and the administrative entities it empowers. The answer is simple. Until we remove the scum who sit on the high seats in Maryland deaths will continue to mount and the next one could be one of our loved ones.

Mark Davis MD

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