Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Timing is everything

                                                 Timing is everything

A patient came into the office very distraught many years ago. Emotions were visibly set on her face. At first she refused to state the issue since she was in for diet advice only. She eventually opened up noting the intense argument that recently occurred with her mother. The patient was in her mid-twenties and taking light anti-anxiety medications prescribed by her Internist. Though she refused to discuss the contents of the argument I gave her one small piece of advice. No matter what the argument is go to your mother and say I am sorry. You never will know what lies in the future for both of you. Several months later she returned to my former office and stated: “How did you know.” I said “ how did I know what.” “My mother would die unexpectedly.” Obviously I did not know her mother would die. The conversation went on for several minutes. The point is the future is owned by no one. Therefore take the high road by relieving the tensions you may have with a loved one. The coming Holidays are the best times to say I am sorry and move on. This short story is not unique yet it taught this author a great lesson in humility over the years. Mark Davis MD manager of  

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