Thursday, November 02, 2017

Rush Limbaugh Out of Touch with Reality

to ELRushbo
Mark Davis MD
RE: Tax, blue states and your being out of touch with reality

Dear Mr. Limbaugh:
     I heard your diatribe on the potential tax plan today (11/2/2017). With respects you are living in another reality. The middle class will be hard hit by the mortgage deduction abatement no matter where they live. Blue states, reds states or green states it doesn't matter. As conservative, living in Maryland, most of us are middle class. A minimum of 40% vote for Republicans here. The governor is a Republican. To sit in your studio and pontificate that people in high taxed states should move is an absurdity wrapped in stupidity. You will benefit greatly from this tax plan, most of us will not. After listening to you today I am extremely disappointed in your presentation. We are the same age. You went into the media accumulating a great fortune. I was in the Public Health Service and other practices serving mostly the poor. You are too detached from reality to continue this discussion. With great disappointment Mark Davis MD 

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