Tuesday, August 01, 2017

The Terminal President

                                                The Terminal President

President Trump came to Washington with the best of intentions. The harsh reality he has confronted was not on the horizon when he set out to achieve the White House. Gridlock and obstruction have always been part of the liberal mantra. No one expected these impediments on the conservative end. Six months into Donald Trump’s historic term the left is falling all over itself attempting to finish Trump’s Presidency early. Utilizing Robert Mueller, as a special prosecutor to perform their dirty work, he is moving far outside the Russian probe for which he was engaged. In the event you cannot find ghost on your own hire a ghost hunter.

Media icons continue to push a theme that Trump’s legislative agenda is dead. Far from it. Mostly recently only three Republicans refrained from voting for a milder version of repeal and replace of Obamacare. Trump was able to corral the rest into his corner. Failure no, rejection no these three have a habit of voting in another direction. Nevertheless health care legislation has only been delayed.

Government operations now function more smoothly after Trump removed Obama era obstacles. Energy production is peaking after a cap placed on exploration was removed.  Military has been liberated from White House control leaving it to pursue its primary purpose, protecting American interests and people. One by one onerous Executive Orders from the past eight years are being nullified. Medias’ silence on these issues displays their imbued hatred for Trump and their left leaning bent.

Trump will triumph because the course he sets is focused, consistent with constitutional principles and is against those who want to see the nation fall. No matter how many roadblocks he encounters failure will not follow him.

Mark Davis MD


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