Friday, July 07, 2017

From Entitlement to Intolerance to Expectation

From Entitlement to Intolerance to Expectation

      Until recently I thought there was a specter of hope in the entitlement community where they would see the proverbial writing on the wall. Freebies may be coming to an end, as they know them. The welfare set has become too emboldened recently as though society owes them for past grievances. Collectively we owe them nothing. Through protest, violence, misrepresentation of facts and finally murder their words and deeds speak for themselves. In certain quarters the latter elements are actually forgiven and or given a pass.

College and universities have become the newest battleground to spew hatred from those who condemn work and scholarship. Diminished standards placed these radicals in institutions which formerly would have rejected them. Coincident with their intolerance to other subsets of civil society a truly emboldened crowd has manifest an unheard of anger towards those who keep us safe. Calling for the annihilation of police steps over any line that can be drawn. Time has come to resurrect policies that have a measured approach in silencing this hideous rhetoric. What should our approach be to these malevolent attitudes and actions? Mark Davis   

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