Monday, May 15, 2017

Maryland's Attorney General's Office Files Three False Reports against a Physician

Maryland’s Attorney General’s Office files Three False Reports against a Physician

Three false documents have been filed against Mark Davis MD in recent years by the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. These documents were filed for proceedings before the Maryland Board of Physicians and were written by Robert Gilbert Esquire, a subordinate of the Attorney General and a holdover from other Administrations. This toxic human being has focused his hate and inability to tell the truth, in his capacity as an attorney employed by Maryland, against this physician. The substance of his actions was most recently heard during a hearing on December 21, 2016 before the Maryland Board of Physicians. Gullible Board members nevertheless gave this despicable human being’s statements credibility while ignoring documented facts presented to this Administrative authority by Mark Davis MD. The Executive Director of the Board, Christine Farrelly, bought into to every statement and written word he annunciated and or created. Since it is the job of the accused to display his innocence and to display the guilt of others Dr. Davis gave the Board a packet which contained page after page of well documented facts that countered every aspect of Mr. Gilbert’s incredible misrepresentation of Dr. Davis’ background

and recent history. Mr. Gilbert’s polished legal tones and repetitive lies carried him over the finish line and Dr. Davis was refused his well- deserved medical license. Further he was told by Ms. Farrelly, in a letter, that the Board will not entertain another request for licensure. How did an attorney become the Executive Director of a Medical Board is beyond my comprehension, yet it is so in Maryland.

The Board’s Executive Director Christine Farrelly is playing God with physician’s careers. She has overstepped her authority on many levels and has failed to investigate the true facts involving  Dr. Davis’ background and history. Under her tutelage physicians can lose their licenses when only one doctor makes a complaint against another. Yes, Soviet Russia has come to America. Ms. Farrelly should be removed from her post and stripped of her immunity for failing to guard the rights of physicians. After a contrite Dr. Mark Davis appeared before Maryland Board of Physicians on December 21st 2016, completely out of character for him, Farelly and Gilbert pissed on him. To display how dirty and illicit this Board has become Dr. Davis made a Public Information Request for information related to the hearing on December 21st 2016. The request for information and the Board’s answer is below. Ms. Farrelly and her minions her hiding behind archaic rules using legal chicanery to block release of the requested materials. The Board even went so far stating Dr. Davis can seek judicial relief in a Maryland Court. In a judicial system that kisses the behinds of their Administrative authorities the Board is aware there is no chance for judicial relief. With immunity to all players and a thousand legal roadblocks at their disposal Ms. Farrelly and mob do not want the truth to come out, only her version should be heard. To me it sounds like we are back forty years ago when Nixon stated he was not a crook, as he leaned on a dozen Bibles.

Please review the Public Information Request made by Dr. Davis. The Board’s response is attached to an article at the following website:    What is Ms. Farrelly and Mr. Gilbert hiding?  For additional information please review the attached article at this website displaying how deep Maryland Board of Physician Corruption has gone.

Mark Davis, MD

First document: Public Information Request

Mark Davis, MD                                                     April 3, 2017

( O ) 410-515-7858

Medical license number D0023760

Mail Address

P.O. Box 222

Abingdon, Maryland 21009

RE: Public Information Act Request

To whom it may concern:

     On December 21st 2016 Mark Davis, MD was invited to appear before a committee of the Maryland Board of Physicians. He was specifically present to request reinstatement of his medical license. There were numerous participants in attendance for this hearing. Mark Davis, MD respectfully requests the following information be sent to him as allowed under the Maryland Public Information Act.

The enumeration is below.

1) Any and all transcripts, tapes, stenographic records, notes or other means in which data was stored, collected and or recorded for this hearing.

2) The names of all people in attendance at the time of this hearing.

3) Any and all notes, records, recordings or other means by which legal counsel to the Board generated and or collected information from this hearing.

4) Any and all records, whether written or electronic, generated by the Executive Director of the Board, physician members of the Board, administrative staff to the Board, non-physician members of the Board  and or anyone else in attendance which the Public Information officer has access to their records.

5) All communications, electronic or written, generated by Board members, legal counsel and Board Administrative staff that was sent by them and or received by them from the Attorney General’s Office and or Robert Gilbert, Esq. concerning Mark Davis MD for the hearing of December 21st 2016.

6) All communications, whether electronic or written, from people or groups that were not present at the December 21st 2016 hearing who either influenced the hearing and or wanted to know the outcome of this hearing.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.


                                                                                   Mark Davis, MD

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