Sunday, April 02, 2017

Maryland Board of Physicians Scandal 101


Maryland’s toxic Board of Physicians has hurt too many for too long. This Administrative entity has a vast legal structure imposed on it to regulate physician function and performance with one caveat, these legal guidelines are not obeyed. Believe it or not the Board of Physicians (Board) has run an illicit organization, for several decades, with minimal to no supervision by the Maryland State Legislature. I have observed first hand this Board’s determination to harm a physician though the facts of the case moved in a different direction than charges imposed. “Enumerated below” are many not all reasons why current Board members and administrative staff (many of whom are lawyers) should be removed from office and investigated by legal authorities who sit beyond Maryland State’s borders. This scandal is more than a civil rights issue. Instead it is one of corruption in a State entity that has gone unchecked for far too long. With thick cronyism in play, judges who will defend the Board even when the evidence is against them and worst of all an Attorney General’s Office complicit with Board hierarchy time has come for an independent open investigation of their malicious behavior. The list that follows is drawn up from personal circumstance inflicted on Mark Davis, MD. A book is in preparation, with documentary evidence, confirming the incredulous journey one physician had, through 2 episodes of malicious prosecution with this corrupt entity, will be published soon.

1)    There is no set standard of medical record review in the files of the Maryland Board of Physicians. Therefore the Board can create any false narrative about a medical record they choose.

2)    Highly paid medical vigilantes review records for the Board. These physician reviewers are engaged from the private sector, given immunity and lie with impunity. I will present documentation in a forth coming book displaying the Board removes medical licenses under false pretenses.

3)    The Court of Special Appeals legislated from the bench that one physician reviewer is sufficient to have a medical license revoked. The regulations as written require two physicians to agree “standards of care” were not met. If two physicians have opposing views a third one is required to be brought into the dispute. In the author’s case of the two physicians utilized one noted this author followed the standard of care. The second physician, who did not practice dietary medicine nor had any special knowledge of this field consistently lied during a judicial hearing, as the transcripts display. Worse he was engaged from a company sued by this author previously.

4)    Knowing the facts in number 3 how could anyone draw up a charging document against a physician when one state reviewer noted this author did not violate the known “Standards of Care.”

5)    The Attorney General’s Office is deeply rooted in the scandalous behavior of the Board. One specific attorney from this office, Robert Gilbert, in his official capacity, fabricated charges against this physician as noted in number 4 to start a prosecution against this physician.

6)    Though the Board’s own judicial arm the Office of Administrative Hearings found for this physician the membership of the Board flipped the decision and gave this author a 3 year revocation which they changed to permanent status after he applied for reinstatement and passed a national test.

7)    The Maryland Board of Physicians is managed end to end by lawyers. From its top Executives to their review arm.  Trashing physicians is their speciality without regard to observance of physicians’ rights.

These enumerated malicious activities and many more, at the minimum, need to be brought before a State of Maryland Legislative committee empowered to review this administrative entity. Abuse of authority is evident. Does the evidence rise to the level of felonies? I would submit this to be the case. In the end patients suffer needlessly for this indiscriminant use of authority. Perhaps in the near future the true nature of the Board’s scandalous behavior will be revealed to all and as a result appropriate prosecutions may occur. My question is will Maryland Courts once again provide immunity for the Board’s illicit activities.  More to come.
Mark Davis, MD
Manager of
Manager of

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