Friday, March 03, 2017


Cold War revisited with the Russians

A great hysteria has emerged from the cauldron of Democrats still lingering in Washington. Most liberals had their egos deflated after the November 2016 election. Reviving their idiosyncratic methodology, which requires them to deride conservatives, Democrats have latched on to a nonissue, Russian contact. Claiming Trump and his subordinates had backroom discussions with Russians to enable the President’s election liberals of the lowest denominator are making groundless accusations. This includes Trump’s campaign team covertly met with high ranking Russian officials then hid the facts of these contacts. Jeff Sessions, the newest Attorney General, is now under fire for withholding data from the nominating committee. Sessions explained in detail his two meetings with Russian officials which occurred long before Trump took office and he became the highest ranking legal officer in the nation. Nothing short of Trump’s head will satisfy their thirst for conservative blood. Trump needs to concentrate on the people’s work not the nonsense continually thrown in his path. The Russians may be coming or going, but Trump is staying. Mark Davis, MD  Manager of Best Copy Editing, Proofreading and Writing.

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