Sunday, November 06, 2016



Eric Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell, could not have written a darker scenario than America presently confronts. Government actors including but not limited to; the President of the United States Barack Obama, the Attorney General Loretta Lynch and membership of the FBI have colluded with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to alter the outcome of the presidential election.  Their actions include obstruction of justice, misuse of classified information, destruction of classified information and other offenses against this nation. Congress stands by as the Executive Branch pummels a nonpolitician who wants to “Drain the Swamp” of corruption in our Capital. Our nation has been compromised by a rogue government which puts itself before the people. Not to worry a new sheriff is coming to town.

Donald Trump is no paragon of virtue or saint. His origins are derived from the hard streets of New York City. His father, Fred Trump, built residences for those in the low and middle income brackets. In this environment our next President became intensely interested in real estate. Building an expansive company Donald Trump has developed numerous skills, lacking in most politicians, which could benefit the entire nation. The wall of skepticism generated by the left concerning Trump’s abilities and lifestyle were designed to take him down. They failed miserably. Instead media outlets pushing this adulterated garbage have been rebuked by Trump and his followers. Ratings of left wing news outlets have tanked and some Hillary co-conspirators have lost their jobs. With that stated the cleansing process has already begun.

Universal stupidity has brought the present government into power. Promises made were not promises kept. Degenerate thought processes have driven governmental departments to destroy whatever good government could do for us leaving behind a barren frontier to rebuild. Trump is the correct person to initiate this building process. Every institution, tradition and industry has been touched in some form or manner by the overreach of incompetence. As bad as this sounds there is worse. Intimidation of American citizens on a level, not seen in one human life time, has emerged as a norm for the Obama Administration. Payoffs, kickbacks and bribes have accompanied the current President’s tenure in office received by those who lather praise on him. Imagine for a moment that a Republican was in office involved in the same actions. Special prosecutors would be invoked and indictments would flow. Will this Teflon President jump ship and avoid his day in court? Not likely. With the new sheriff a few days away from appointment there is no place in the foothills or valleys to hide. Come clean Mr. President the American people and your soul need a lift from 8 years of your reign.

Mark Davis, MD  Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.

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