Thursday, October 30, 2014

Brian Frosh: Maryland's next Attorney General

Brian Frosh: Maryland’s next Attorney General


Maryland’s Attorney General Office is in dire need of an overhaul. Most recently this Office has been managed to enhance the career of its current occupant with less emphasis on those who matter most, the State’s six million residents. Political agendas not sound judgment has been on display over the last 8 years. Maryland is ready for a change. Brian Frosh, a consummate Maryland politician and lawyer, will bring a fresh perspective to an Office that has seen better days. Frosh has a stellar record of accomplishments as a current member of the Maryland Senate and previously in the House of Delegates. In his 5th term in the State Senate Brian Frosh is highly regarded for his commitment to an array of causes which enhance the lives of those he serves. On important environmental issues, such protecting the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, he has been an outspoken critic of anyone or group who would endanger these areas. For his efforts on the environment Frosh has received numerous awards including “Conservationist of the Year” from the Sierra Club and “Public Official of the Year” by the Audubon Society.


Senator Frosh has taken a lead role to create legislation that protects children and victims of domestic violence. He has been behind legislation to revise child support laws which were sadly lagging behind the times. On education his efforts helped to make tuition in colleges more affordable with an accentuation on increased quality. As chairman of the Judicial Proceedings Committee he steered bills through a political maze to protect personal data held by the Motor Vehicles Administration. Frosh was instrumental in enhancing identity theft laws and creating new mechanisms to track those who defraud Maryland health systems.  His years in the House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate display a record of exemplary service to the state. Support for his candidacy is strong within this State and outside its borders. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg supports Frosh for taking a major role in helping enact into law the Firearm Safety Act. Many other Maryland luminaries have given a thumb’s up to Frosh’s candidacy.


Maryland’s Attorney General Office provides legal counsel to a variety of administrative entities throughout the state. Legal opinions crucial to this State’s functions also emanate from this office. Politicized by the current occupant the Attorney General should always present a balanced approach to whatever task is before his office. Having been touched by the civil sting of this office whose methodology was nothing less than confrontational, contentious and misdirected a fresh face is needed to rekindle trust this office once held. Brian Frosh is that person. He is able to maneuver through the embattled political terrain in Maryland with the knowledge to apply the laws equitably without destroying the faith in the people he serves. Strong consideration should be given to this candidate for Attorney General. As an independent I see Brian Frosh’s resume as many steps above the recent holders of this office.  Maryland needs change and it is coming to the Attorney General’s Office in the embodiment of Brian Frosh.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services.

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